Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Country bleeds...

Today, thousands of miles away from my homeland, my heart and soul is in my city Islamabad... 20th October came this year with the news of bomb blasts at the Sharia & law building and the girls' cafetaria at my alma mater International Islamic University Islamabad, the place that made me everything I am today. This was the place that prepared us to face the future...made us everything we are...and most of all, gave us the strenght of character and will to take on anything in life... I remember the countless hours spent in that cafetaria, the thousands of times we would walk through those corridors that used to ring with the sound of innocent laughter...and now they are smeared red with innocent blood and flesh and the stench of death and lives robbed...

I wish the day of judgement would come soon so that someone could account for all this, since I have no hope left in the likes of that sorry excuse for an interior minister...rehman malik the rascal who shows up like a bad penny every time there is a disastrous situation... I'll go as far as to say he might be behind these attacks...may u rot in hell..and president zardari...u deserve to join ur wife...when they had intelligence information about such an impending disaster...they should have done something about it...And you people who kill these children like insects, why dont you just kill zardari and rehman malik'll save us all so much pain and eliminate the root cause of all the problems too...

It's a sad day for all Pakistanis especially Islamians...i dont know how the students will ever go back to that cafetaria and those corridors...knowing that their unfortunate fellow students and friends lost their lives in such a brutal way there... every time i see the videos and pictures of those blood sprawled places...i keep going down memory lane again...who would have thought this place which was like our second home, in years to come was going to be the target of those animals those barbarians who call themselves muslims...Islam is about nothhing if not about peace...May Allah show them to the right path...Ameen

And the parents and families of those who died...your children are Shaheeds...dont cry for them...they will always live...and there blood will not go in vain

And those who are still critical and in hospitals...May Allah give u health and strength...and forbearance...

And for my country...May Allah be your protector...Long live Pakistan!