Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Leaving Pakistan...the Perfect Solution??!!!???

Every other person I talk to is either planning to or has already arranged to leave Pakistan. Why??? They have some pre-conceived notion that the day they get out of here, all their problems will just disappear. And if you ask them to shed some light on the way they plan to survive in the utopia they haven't reached yet, all they will say is that "bas yahan se niklo sab kuch khud theek hojyga". I have just one thing to say to all such people "jab wahan ja k kuch bhi theek nahin hoga na (kyunkeh masla mulk mein nahin masla tum logon mein hai) kyunkeh tum log apne ap ko nahin badalna chahte to is mulk mein coffin mein band bhi wapis anay ki zarurat nahin hai". We just don't need people who believe they are the perfect citizens(which they are not) and there is something wrong with this country. We have to realize that the problem lies with us, the People. Unless we don't change ourselves nothing is going to change, not this country not our lives...nothing, no matter where we decide to live. And one thing more I have the perfect solution to the problem of brain drain...every graduate's name should automatically be entered into the ECL (exit control list). Is kaum ka aur koi ilaaj nahin hai. God help us all...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

14th May Sad Birthday for Israel

14th May was supposedly Israel's 60th birthday. But they say Israel's 60th birthday is a sad one. On the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv amidst all the hype regarding the independence celebrations there is a sense of melancholy. This is what happens when you build the home of your dreams on the site of another's home and happiness...., you are left with nothing much to celebrate. Israel can do what it likes but nothing can wash away the guilt and torment accumulated through ruining the lives of innocent Palestinian families over the years. Yes, the Jews have been persecuted througout the centuries but nothing could justify the pain the Palestinians have been made to go through and still are inorder to give Jews a home. There are many nations in this world that do not have a boundaried state of their own, are scattered all over the world. Many of them have been persecuted too. But the way innocent Palestinians have been made to pay back for the lack of a Jewish state is just shameful to say the least. Making another nation go through hell because you went through it. This is sadistic. What a way....take their homes...kill their children...crush them because you believe what is theirs should have been yours. After all, the Germans were responsible for the holocaust, not Palestinians because the holocaust is at the bottom of the idea of Jews from around the world going and settling down in what is and for us will always be, Palestine. And no I dont believe in the co-existence of an Israeli and Palestinian state. Steal somebody's home, their happiness, their peace of mind and then say let's live side by side. You take this portion of the house and we'll take that. Is this justice?

So, here's to 60 years of aggression, occupation and conceit...!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Changing Attitudes

It's not anybody who gets to be a Pakistani living in Pakistan. If you are one like me, we are quite a rare commodity in terms of the lives we lead...Everyday is a story of survival in the life of a Pakistani. It's not a bad thing, it's just that too much purposeless selfish life leading can be a formula for disaster. M. A. Jinnah, the founding father, passed away 60 years ago and ever since then, we have been on our own. We haven't been able to completely achieve what we set out to do, but what do you expect of a nation of self underestimators. I have never come across a more pessimistic bunch. We over-expect things from ourselves, believe that we won't be able to achieve what we intended and just let the time pass and are almost relieved when we naturally end up not achieving our goal. I believe it is the comfort and feeling of safety in failure that we have come to love. The mindset and attitude with which we take on a task be it a personal one or a national one, is where the problem lies. We just don't want to put ourselves out there and give it our best shot. We would rather shy away, keep our abilities to ourselves, rather imagining the work than actually doing it...There is no ability in this world that we lack expect a firm belief in ourselves and the only way we can have that back is to have faith in Allah. Yes i mean back because we had it in the first half of the 20th century. We need to rekindle that relationship with Allah we had back in the 30's and 40's ...this nation was a great nation and still can be if we could find the sense of belief and purpose that had helped it achieve Pakistan. Let's try changing our attitude, let's think positively for a change and put ourselves out there.

Long Live Pakistan...!