It's not anybody who gets to be a Pakistani living in Pakistan. If you are one like me, we are quite a rare commodity in terms of the lives we lead...Everyday is a story of survival in the life of a Pakistani. It's not a bad thing, it's just that too much purposeless selfish life leading can be a formula for disaster. M. A. Jinnah, the founding father, passed away 60 years ago and ever since then, we have been on our own. We haven't been able to completely achieve what we set out to do, but what do you expect of a nation of self underestimators. I have never come across a more pessimistic bunch. We over-expect things from ourselves, believe that we won't be able to achieve what we intended and just let the time pass and are almost relieved when we naturally end up not achieving our goal. I believe it is the comfort and feeling of safety in failure that we have come to love. The mindset and attitude with which we take on a task be it a personal one or a national one, is where the problem lies. We just don't want to put ourselves out there and give it our best shot. We would rather shy away, keep our abilities to ourselves, rather imagining the work than actually doing it...There is no ability in this world that we lack expect a firm belief in ourselves and the only way we can have that back is to have faith in Allah. Yes i mean back because we had it in the first half of the 20th century. We need to rekindle that relationship with Allah we had back in the 30's and 40's ...this nation was a great nation and still can be if we could find the sense of belief and purpose that had helped it achieve Pakistan. Let's try changing our attitude, let's think positively for a change and put ourselves out there.
Long Live Pakistan...!